I loved this game. This art style is wonderful, and you've opted for a style where the puzzles are light, allowing for the focus to be on platforming, which I feel is the right choice.
I do have some small feedback if you want to keep fleshing this out:
This game is crying, SCREAMING even, for an undo button. The game is very inexact about placing your corpses by its very nature, and restarting the entire level every time you jump too high and place a platform you can't quite jump on is super frustrating. You can also replace the "you lose, restart the level" to "out of legacies, press undo" etc
One more thing: if K is the main "interact" button in the game, it should be able to go through the cutscenes as well. Took me too long to figure out I needed to press enter. The main menu and cutscenes should be processable if you press K, Space, or Enter
I would love to see this fleshed out further. If you don't choose to do that, I will look forward to whatever you make next instead. Great job!