bruh put it in fullscreen why is it a tiny window
if you read the file that literally says read me you would know you can put it in full screen
see you got a lil attitude baby dont start with me.. talking bout sum literally. ill fye you ahh up.
dawg you literally started... fym lil attitude and even calling them baby?.. 💀
i quite literally wasnt talking to them get ur eyes checked out you braindead waste of life
dude how are you being toxic in a fucking zeno remake comment section?????
shut up faggot
Save this for instagram comments, not here on damn
sybau dont make me get on your corny ahh
Alt+enter. Pls. refrain from making these types of comments it can be reported ..
shut up if you think i care about being reported on itch io of all things ur legit crazy. i said put it fullscreen stop being a sensitive ahh loser gng. whining about sum that wasnt even mean . get real and get employed faggot