I've finally finished all of the routes!!(No Spoilers Here :P)
They were all up to the same standard and there was never a noticeable dip in quality, all of the art is drop-dead gorgeous, the characters charismatic and layered (even the non-love interests) and the voice acting is simply superb!
My only issue, and it is more of a nit-pick than anything, is that the same one, relatively short track looping over and over for pretty much the whole run time did get a bit sole crushing, especially since the VAs did such a good job that I couldn't bring myself to mute the game and sitting in silence outside of spoken dialogue felt like it would have been weirder.
But now I'm off to replay all of the routes and amass a document with all of the little lore drops and titbits we learn from the characters using my master save where I managed to get enough approval with everyone that I can romance them all 😈
(popping this here too as it says everything I think about the game and people should hear it!!)