Just finished; I never trusted Josie or Mina (frankly I would have executed Mina, don't care if she was my fathers or not) -- and always loved Juna. Ending was not a normal happy ending where I got to choose a harem (my favourite). Like someone else going to have nightmares.
I came frankly to love all the girls; and wanted to take care of them all. But, it was all smoke and mirrors as the ending was from left field and don't know now about the girls; do the girls love me and what happens to them? Now, it all seemed like a waste of an adventure. It's an ending as one person said keeps you up at night. I chose the group but will go back and play each one out for the "bedroom scenes" although assume the ending is the same.
I will go back and try to figure out how to get a harem ending.
Brother? Janos? Is Janos Cortina? Maree-- my mother? Frankly, I am a little dense and will have to go back through the scenes a little.
Knowing what we know-is there reply value outside of the erotic scenes? Hmmmm, I will have to think about that. I like sand box, the ability to choose direction, but agree that timing (I am sure I missed a lot because failed to go somewhere at the right time) but I generally like that ability.
Thanks again for a really good game. I have a couple of favourites and love this one but with this ending-- wow!! Yes, I highly recommend it. It has intrigue along with a good MC who I called Rocky ;-) . I like the heroic value of a character and generally go down that route. I never know now how it would have come out with any of my lost loves. Right now-- all I want to do is kill Josie. Janos--what does she have to do with Josie? She seems to be ok-but supports Josie revenge against my mother and destroyed my life at the Academy. Not real happy with "father" at all. Its dishonour-- ok-- I am getting carried away with too long of comments and hopefully not spoiling this for anyone. But, I kept my word to Monica and do not like what happened to her. Good night everyone
Honor to Wartribe (the MC should come back and start his own tribe and take over)