Ah, I forgot to comment on the hard mode idea.
A thing you might not be aware of because it's quite subtle is that the pause time between platform movement is adaptive. It starts out at 1.5 seconds but quickly drops to a much lower value if you step competently. However with the current implementation, it can't really get lower than 0.5 seconds.
I made it adaptive for comfort reasons. For people who tend to get motion sick with (bad) VR, this can be triggered if you step onto a platform as it's already begun leaving. But for some people, this would happen a lot with short pauses; hence I made the pauses adapt to the stepping pace people feel natural.
One problem of reducing pauses for sake of hard mode is that if you step a bit too late you don't die; you just get this correction effect which can be unpleasant. So it doesn't really get particularly harder I think, just less enjoyable.
However, I had thought that maybe the adaptive speed could be used for "speed-running" purposes? Because, the more precise you step, the quicker you can get through the place. Do you think something like that might be interesting?
Shorter reaction time for the drop blocks, that should be doable though, and would make sense to me for a hard mode, since you do die if you fail. Not at the top of my list for what I'll be working on first though, but I've added it to my notes. :)