Wow! What a great set of feedback, very appreciated.
- There should be a very specific shapeshifter that drops a specific golden tusk. It's definitely our miss that it's not distinguishable though.
- You can actually right click on an item to move them around. But swap is something we're missing for sure. No real explanation for it, just we wanted wrap things up and move onto the next project so swap was considered non-essential.
- Yeah, we talked about it. But we felt the calculations might be too much for an auto-battler. There are also a lot of mobs, which makes deciding whether to attack a monster a chore.
- Agreed; we also talked about the ending a bit. Again, we just wanted to wrap things up - it was a 2 weeks project turned 4 months and we wanted to start a new project.
- Correct there are no way to store items; its a deliberate design choice - there are loads of powerful items in the game and we'd like the player to choose what to keep.
- Wow good observation! Yeah the asylum thing is just a visual trick. There is no conditional programming.
- I will let our UX designer know
- It's intended, but not how you imagined. If your mind is too low, you'll get a debuff called Fractured Mind. You'll be able to see ghosts and special NPCs when you're in this state.
- All characters are marked. Hover over them with your mouse and you'll see tags like NPC or ENEMY
Hopefully I've answered all of your questions!