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How soon do you think until full release? Another post said it would be early 2020, so how early? Like this month? 3 months? 5?

What's the sitch?



At the moment I'm trying to avoid cursing myself with any promises, since I already goofed up hard with the early access stuff that didn't come to be in the end. Not this month--but beyond that there's too many variables up in the air to discern when everything else will come together.

I understand that it's an incredibly vague answer, and I apologise, but I feel it's better if I try to avoid hyping up for anything until I'm absolutely sure there's a release in sight. Dx

I understand. I helped some friends make a video game a long time ago and although not a management position(I did translation, Japanese/french to English but not anymore tho) I understand the pressure completely. Sorry about asking so much, but i'm just eager to see this done. 

PS: Will there be a steam release?

No worries--I'm just glad to see there's still interest in the game being completed, even after I've taken so long, haha. It really is encouraging!

Steam release is difficult to say. In a perfect world I've love to release it on there--but the adult game space seems incredibly shaky on there. and I wouldn't want to get in any trouble or find my game removed if it ended up breaking one of the rules that surround NSFW games there. Since some games release as they are and pass by fine, others release with a patch that can be applied, and others seem to get taken down with vague explanations as to why. It's a bit scary, really and I'd hate to waste time and resources getting everyone on Steam only for that to happen. Dx