I don't like this game, like it makes the character we play as super stupid. Like instead of jumping over the fallen tree or simply walking around the fallen tree, OR even walking anywhere on the dirt to get to the Outhouse; it's decided that I HAVE to go to the Private Property as if it's the ONLY WAY TO GET THERE.
Of course you have hundreds of people saying "Great game" or even "Greatest game" and giving you 5/5 or 10/10's, but in reality they are just typing what they always type to the games they play. They are, maybe unintentionally, misleading you to making more frustrating games like this one.
Now it's fine for them to think this is cool, I got spooked by the fallen tree(likely because I had my flashlight off during that). So it's not super terrible, just frustrating for people who aren't mindless fun enjoyers; for certain things mentioned.
Now it's frustrating due to the invisible walls and of course the illogical and impossibly unreasonable actions.(Like walking through private property instead of walking around the trees). Perhaps you can improve your next game? You already got mindless fun enjoyers that'll like it no matter what, so see if you can get people who aren't to like the next one?