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Hi there,

I heard you would like some feedback on presentation or the game itself. I remember playing this game around a year ago now, looking back at my last comment, and the game has moved on / changed so much since then. I loved the now so 'level 3 music' and still do. 

I will point out that now the game loop sound is crisp and I also think that you have done an excellent job on fixing the loop issue with people hitting the buttons. However I think having the game as what I think 'easy' has quite a nice vibe, with the game intending to be relaxing, and now I think a focus on creating new, unique and especially catchy levels should be made (I mean who doesn't). Experiment with different sound tunes, but make it catch as that is psychologicaly more attracting to the game.

Presentation wise I think you have done a good job, if you really want me to be a super picky critic then I would think about the placement of the next level symbol beneath the complete sign. If you pay close attention it just seems slightly in the wrong place. Maybe its because the button is on top of the complete sign or the button is too big and has a massive shadow compared to the complete sign. However it still has its own vibe, maybe simplifying it to look slightly more similar to the complete. If you wanna push the presentation then maybe have the occasionaly effect like the film in the begining or the gust of wind or something like that.

You could soon try and portray a story of the life of this character, progress it through different scenes, and with no dialogue make a story. Maybe when you have a lot of levels you could have  a level select option menu so people can choose their level and add a level select and a credits section beside the play button.

Nonetheless, there is not much to say to improve other than adding more levels, make it unique and tell a story. 

Great work on the game,


Hey, thanks so much for taking the time to give such detailed feedback! 

I agree that the main thing the game needs is new levels, (that's the most fun part of making the game for me). I have the story more or less planned out, and some completed tracks and art for some levels. What I want to figure out beforehand though is making the levels last longer, so I'm going to start working on that first. I have some ideas I want to try out.

The final plan is to build it into a game of around ~20 levels with over 1h of gameplay. But I haven't decided yet how I'm going to release this version. The plan is to finish it by the end of this year though!

Regarding the presentation, I was mainly interested in how people viewed the game before playing it, as I'm not sure how appealing/understandable the game is from the just screenshots videos. But I appreciate your thoughts on the in game presentation :)

Thanks again for your encouragement and I really appreciate you taking the time to give your feedback :)


I cant wait! this is one of the best games here