Hi there! No glitches or issues this time, I just wanted to drop some ideas for future releases (or for independent theme-makers out there) while I had them in my head. Loving the program! :)
- I'd love to see some more green/cottagecorey palettes for the themes! You know, themes that would fit in with the Waterfall background. Maybe a theme styled like an arbor or something? Green and white, green and brown, kind of those softer earthier color palettes.
- A summer night ambience (crickets/frogs), or a night-in-the-woods sort of soundscape. A gentle misting rain in a jungle sounds really soothing, too, if you can find a sound like that. That may be what the below commenter means.
- Seasonal backgrounds/seasonal themes sound really cute! I love playing those wintertime ambience videos where it's just a feed of a snowy pond or whatever. I had my girlfriend program a Garry's Mod map where I just walked up on top of a snowy hill and wrote for a while and listened to the atmosphere.
- Maybe seasonal in a "festive" sense. I'm total trash for Halloween-themed/hollydays-themed/Valentine's ambience. I think the pressure would be to put these out "on time", though, which might be too much of a hassle for too little reward? I would buy it, though.
- Something involving trains. Not sure what. I just love RailCowGirl's Youtube channel and I think writing on a train sounds real cozy. This might be way harder to get a background for, though, haha.
- Cottagey stuff in general would be fun.
- A typewriter theme.