I've made my final decision and I've decided to cancel the Impactiums PERMANENTLY and never bring them back AGAIN. That means I have to private my first project about them. Not only that but the DeviantArt community has become even more toxic than ever due to those trolls always messing around with them and I'm also leaving the alphabet community for good due to those reasons.
A very important message to those stinky trolls out there: You CAUSED this to happen, YOU caused me to cancel them forever. Let's not forget the facts that YOU ruined many of the impactiums and also simped on them for no reasons what's so ever. YOU also caused me to leave both DeviantArt and the alphabet community forever, I'M never coming back to these disgusting communities ever again and Y'ALL SHOULD be ashamed of yourselves!
Btw, that doesn't mean that the impactiums species like the cattiums are dead forever and Tiffany will still be okay, even after the series got permanently cancelled. Serifoids kinda replaced them tbh.