Keikev hacked me from discord+Sayd n word+Supported Israel.So why I hate him
As a black person I might idgaf if he says the n word I can just give him the pass
I have proofs,look 💀
Holy moly it's true
+he supported Israel(I hear this)
Got any more proof
I later show you,what he supported israel,but look WTF
+Hacked me and lie dino,what his name "Kostya hacker"
Omg ....
How I got it it's keikev,look
Now red baldi unfriending with keikev
I hate keikev for hacked me(Fedor Sumkin it's dino my friend)
Keiv is fucking crazy😭🙏
Also he bullying dalsi and drama games
Okey,well,how and want proofs one
i have one