Thanks for checking it out! The learning curve can be a little weird, but generally speaking:
- Read slack messages from Michael. These typically provide the server you are trying to connect to.
- Go to the firefox intranet and search for ‘Inputs’. This will provide a list of terminal inputs.
- Go to the terminal and use these inputs. For instance, we need to initially connect to the haunted server, so we will have to use vpn connect [source], where we replace [source] with the server we are trying to connect to, like sanctum. So we would want vpn connect sanctum
From there, you run the npm install command (listed in the Inputs page), test commands listed in the ‘Inputs’ intranet page, cross reference the results with the Daemons intranet page, then we can locate and exorcise the demons with the data we’ve found.
Hope you give it another shot!