Hahah, ah. Okay. Progress. I figured out that spacebar will make the guy try to dig with a hoe on the right most dirt line. But. He kind of does a smack, then holds it in the air... then nothing. I've tried selecting a seed, then doing it. But. No avail. Mmm. A puzzle.
Sorry, when building the video game we moved the sprites of the plant growth process down one layer and it can't be displayed, even so it works correctly with the following process:
We select the seed in the menu
We go to the ground, press the space bar to plant the seed, wait 5 seconds and press F to water the plant, again we wait 5 seconds, and press F again to water and grow to the last phase, we wait again the 5 seconds and press R to pick up the flower, we go to the npc to give it to him with the E key, once we interact a sound is played according to the flower we gave him, if it is correct he goes away if not wait until the correct order is given to him