There is a lot said in this thread about how envy can fuel motivation of one and thus inspire greater deeds. But what if the envy becomes overwhelming? What if it simply makes one feel bad? Then, I would actually suggest quitting. Personal peace of mind and emotional stability is far more important than a couple of indie productions, that either how will only add to an already oversaturated landscape, where terms of public appreciation diminish. Perhaps join a company, so that you could both make games and have it less of a personal matter, if that makes sense. But then, you are not in charge of the entire creation, only a minute fraction of it, so there might be things about what you do that would demote your constructive approach, making you just a work tool. In other circumstances, find another reason. Maybe you need to make that game, in order to be able to point it out in your CV. That is an unrelated, neutral approach, to have making games as a mean to achieve other goals - save for earning money - thus probably speed your career or show off your ability to apply certain solutions.
If comparison is bad for you, find way to avoid it.