Wow this is polished! Let's start with the Good!
- Polished - Like I said before, this is incredibly polished. I think for a game jam, this is the right size game to have, as it allows you to also polish up everything in the end and it really shows here.
- UI Beauty - I'm a sucker for good UI and your game definitely has it. Everything is clear in terms of objectives, scores, health, and etc.
- Audio - Fun music, and fun sound FX. All of which are incredibly balanced. Nothing blew out my eardrums unexpectedly or stood out as odd. Everything fit!
- Overall Look is Great - All your assets that you've used fit with each other and the entire look is great! It's polished on clean all the way through! I also loved the particles that would play when you collected a Gem.
Shrimple Notes To Consider.
- The Play Area is Big - The movement needed for this can be a bit much at times. I needed to clear out a decent sized space in order to move around properly in the game. When those spikes showed up, I didn't have enough room to dodge 🤣
- Missing Presence - It was difficult to tell at times when my colliders where that represented me in the game. I know the controllers, but I'm assuming the character controller collider as well. If you don't have and visual representation for the body, you might want to stick with the colliders just being the controllers and the HMD.
- Balancing Difficulty - It didn't seem like there was any way to regain health once you've taken damage. It might have brought more balance to the game if the gems regained health and the skulls took it away.
I loved this entry. Perfectly scoped and it's polished. It's a fully completed game within a week! What more could I ask for? Thank you for joining the jam and submitting this. It was a superb entry!