First game to give me goosebumps!
Let's start with the Good :
- Goosebumps and your Environment - The entire atmosphere of your game is properly spooky. It's dark, you have some nice particle effects and you only left me with a flashlight to figure things out.
- Sticky Flashlight - THANK YOU! I love a flashlight glued to my hand if that is the main mechanic of the game. I don't want to be holding down the grip button the entire time if I don't have to. I'm lazy and I love this.
- Audio - Sound FX can go a long way when added and I appreciate you putting some in. It does so much in bringing a scene alive. I honestly think it was one of the biggest factors in making me feel spooked out.
Shrimple Notes To Consider In the Future :
- Repetitive Audio - Although I loved there being sound, it did get reputative. It may have been better to find some ambient noises that could be repeated on a longer loop and have whispers thrown in sparingly.
- Unclear Goals - I read the game description and looked for instructions in game, but I wasn't too sure what I was supposed to do throughout the game. I wondered around and found a ghost that I avoided. I assumed maybe I just wait until daytime and my flashlight went out. I would make sure to lay out the goals both on the game description page and in the game itself. You can never have too much clarity here.
- Ghostly Problems - I'm not sure if the ghost is supposed to follow you or if you're supposed to just dodge it once. For myself, it charged at me and then just stopped while overlooking the balcony. I'm not sure this is the intended functionality.
A fun creepy bank as a late night security guard, what's not to love?! It was properly creepy all the way through. Thank you for participating and for your submission!