Cute game! I have a handful of suggestions for future games:
1. At the end of the game, put in a `wait` followed by `key.clear` before checking for the restart key. As it is, the game usually ends because I flubbed a jump, so the spacebar is already down, and it restarts so fast I can't even read the game-over message.
2. Also, consider using a different key to restart. Solve the problem belt-and-suspenders style!
3. Decrementing the score is demoralizing, and also doesn't leave you with much idea of how well you did. Better would be to increase the score every time you jump over something, and add a separate health meter which goes down when you hit something. Game over when you're out of health, but you can still measure your awesomeness via the score.
4. Stretching a bit here, but if you had a groovy background music track, and timed the obstacles to the beat, you could turn this into a nifty little rhythm game. :)
Overall though this was a nicely done game for a weekend. I can't wait to see what you create in the future!