Hey Makotolia, if you are still up for the challenge I just made the game easier. Now maybe you have a chance to beat it at 100%.
Hmm, I wonder how it is 25% ;) But I would argue that my skill is probably more than 25% rustier than it was ;)
Besides, I think adding an option to restart from the current room (but instead of fully restoring, just restore the rabbit to the HP it had when it entered the room) when game over may be a good way to ease some frustration. Players can still choose to restart from save points if they had actually screwed the run several rooms ago, or if they are simply hardcore ;) I just thought of this when I received your message, so forgive me that I didn't mention it earlier.
Btw, is the old save file compatible to this new version?
I think making the game 25% easier is enough to ease frustration. The rest is just learning patterns and strategy (specially the secret area, although in this area I give the player 75hp in the middle of the battle + fullHP when it completes the room + 25% easier... I think it's enough to complete it)
yeah, it's all compatible relax