Oh god the deadline is close.
We still have one day to finish everything, but that's all we get. So far I've mostly just changed things to try and get this game in a more polished condition, although it's still far from it. There is still much to do, and a lazy, procrastinating me to do it!
Let's look at the changes:
- A small settings menu! Used only to turn on or off box2dlights (can get laggy at times)
- Small lighting changes!
- An indicator of where the nearest home is!
- Changed food math!
- Super Secret Rotate buttons! (For debugging / Because I can)
- Invincibility power-up color magic!
- Saves your progress/settings!
- Probably more!
Here is a new Download!
And here is a video of what it looks like now! There are some strange lag spike issues that only happens when recording, don't know why :(