I'm not sure if it is just me but apparently, Im stuck at having Bernard's attraction at 41. I can't seem to raise it nor unlock the hunt with him nor the private bath. Anyone possible to help me?
Take any quests from Bernard and Logan that deal with bandits (just in case that one's a prerequisite for the wolves) and wolves (if you haven't met Logan yet, find the pendant in the forest, head to the tavern, ask the barkeep about the pendant, and then leave the tavern and enter the sawmill) until you get a quest to check up on Bernard's friend in the forest. Take a look around the cabin until you find the friend's writings, then return back and finish the quest. Go home and sleep until morning, then go back to Bernard's, and he SHOULD say something about it. If not, continue on your merry way: It should trigger within a week (check up every day; it might only trigger on certain days of the week). If it doesn't, explore the cabin at night, run into a werewoof, head back to Bernard and Logan, let them know, and do Logan's quest to kill werewoofs. If that doesn't trigger it, I dunno what will.
Private bath presumably only happens once you've completed other dates.