I'm actually likely just gonna opt out of both this and the part 2 jams, as even if I got the better software you just mentioned, I think the games are supposed to read off of sprite sheets! I would not know how to code a game to find a picture on a sheet and then shift an x amount of pixels and capture the new image it finds on that sheet to make a character move, I wouldn't even know how to get a bunch of still images converted into a sheet, MCREATOR can do that with like Armor and or Mob skins but their layout of the sheet is much different than that of lets say RPG Maker, I could get Gimp or Krita but seeing as I'm on the last few days I would rather just join up with someone who actually knows what they are doing so I can see the process! I literally joined a couple Jams in a row that I have no clue what to do! Far as what I do know what to do is I can make like 16x16 sprites at best using MCREATOR and that is by going into make a block but then I would draw my own stuff instead save and export out lols! It might be larger than 16x16 for px, I haven't done it in awhile but what I do know is I have had games play PNG's created from it so in theory that's technically an asset, sorry if I'm so back in the dark ages for times I just never know where to look to make games and such! I always had the notion I was always by myself and had to just make it work by whatever means possible thus I forgot to look for such things! I been coding in Windows Dos Batch for years and only within the last couple of years I found out about RPG Maker and other game making softwares/engines I'm always studying Python and Javascript, so one day I will make a move permanently to 1 of those 2 languages! Far as the multi thread problem I think I can manipulate the save files and have a bunch of programs read and write to those save files in real time and basically run 20 programs example at same time in parallel to the game thus making a single threaded programming language into a full on RTS game, again it's gonna be Janky cuz yet again I don't know much to making games but so far my approaches do get results at least and workable results, I find road blocks and limitations but I always have a workaround in some shape or form lols! I will actually wait just 1 more day if someone wants to partner with me as I just need to see the process actually! :)