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Very interesting and inspiring work. I don't believe in the tarot as much as others do, but I still found myself wanting to heed the Owl-Woman's advice.

The cards' art hints at a hidden world of humanoid animals alongside humans and hybrid animals that really make me curious. They were fun to shuffle through, and a lot of them reminded me of words like "soft," "feminine," "wonder," and "airy." I found myself wanting to reach in and stroke the feathers of the owls.

The gameplay makes me feel very calm and still, as if waiting for something. It's a soothing sensation, mostly created by the warm music and classy artwork in general.

The only flaw I found was how the Owl-Woman says the name of the card before you see it. It's more instant than I'd like it to be, I'd prefer to read the title on the card itself. It has a better first impression, you know?

In short, The Owl-Woman Oracle is a lovely little game that I will be thinking about for a while because of it's unique artwork and soothing feeling. My favourite part is looking and learning about the cards, while my least is how little material there actually is. You can't go wrong with adding more features like... a section history that records what cards you've previously drawn, more categories, and maybe a censored version for the younger audience. Honestly though, I still really enjoyed this game and will be checking out other works of yours. Cheers!

Thanks so much for the thoughtful feedback!  I'm glad you enjoyed OWO!