Ok, i played this for the first time for probably 2+ hours. i must say i like it a lot!! i was a huge fan of COD zombies back when they didn't jump around. i liked COD (call of duty) zombies when you could lead them around, collect them into a big group, and blow them to shreds like in Black Ops 1 !!
this game is the closest to that and i love it!
i did not find money to be an issue, i ended up getting eaten on round 36 where i had 544 zombies killed, 12,234 rounds shot (also killed hundreds with grenades in the higher rounds) and well over 100,000 money. i would go to the ammo stations and buy a dozen of everything so i could just run by and pick them up in a hurry.
-you can group up the zombies and blow them all up with grenades or shoot the crap out of them!
-money is not an issue
-guns are easy to use (reload, fire ect.)
-i really enjoy the movement system! please please PLEASE do not remove this! add other options yes, but leave this as one of the options!
-you can blow up barrels and propane tanks and cause damage to zombies.
-a couple weapons pistol, tommy gun. (its not called that, but it pretty must is :)
-you can throw grenades and has the best grenade mechanics in any game!
-graphics are simple and can run on most pcs.(even with 544 dead zombies on the ground it still ran perfectly!)
-love love love the storage system!
-i'm sure there are more but i'm tired and i need to do improvements still :)
-more verity of zombies (bigger ones, smaller ones, faster ones, slower ones)
-more guns (i know more are coming in the full release :)
-more maps. again, i'm sure there will be more in the full release. i would like to see where you can go into bigger buildings and go up and down stairs.
-traps. just youtube any COD zombie game for ideas.
-have zombies make noise. not annoying noises though. i can see myself putting hours and hours into this game and i don't want to get headaches. again look up COD vids for this.
-have different areas of the map cost money to get to that have better guns.
-put in different difficulty levels. (current one should be easy. the only reason i died is because i was getting bored lol )
-move the clips to your shoulder for reloading. it throws me off when i feel it vibrate but i actually don't get a mag. the vibrate feeling is the holster not the clip. they are to close together. moving your hands to your shoulder feels cool. try it :)
-move the storage bubbles from top to bottom and put them side to side. its hard to see whats in the bottom one when something is in the top one.
-bigger hit box for the weapon storage. i keep dropping my guns :(
-different damage points on the zombies. head shots double damage, chest normal, legs and arms half damage.
-X2 money to head kill shots.
-kill drops from zombies. health packs, double points, inst kills, nukes ect. again, look at COD zombies!
-have bullets go through multiple zombies.
- propane tanks fly out of the map most times when you shoot them.
there are others i'm sure, but like i said i am tired lol PLEASE keep developing this game i will pay money for a full release. at least $15!
i'll be editing this as i think of more items.
i will spread the word about this demo as well!