What I liked about this Game:
- I like the water shader, it's very interesting.
- The entire art-style I think fits very well into the underwater theme.
Areas for Improvement:
- The biggest change I would add is some type of feedback on your hits. Make the enemies flash,use hitstop, and/or particles on hit to indicate that the enemy has been hit. It would help make it more clear
- I see that you were trying to make the game more difficult. I do think the enemy health is about 8x higher than it should be compared to the damage you deal while holding the attack button.
- I think encouraging the player to spam a button is fine in some situations like the Quick Time Events in God of War. It should not be the default playstyle. Due to the high health of enemies, this game requires that the attack button be spammed for the enemies to die in a reasonable timeframe. Fixable by reducing the amount of time it takes for enemies to die while holding the attack button, whether it be by reducing enemy health, increasing attack damage, or increasing fire rate while the button is held.