so once again I realised that I need to change my methods.. and worrying about the maps will get me nowhere
as you can see what I have no trouble with is making more characters - there are about a truckload of npcs now
(only about 5-6 were planned but I couldn't help myself)
also there are tricks used to make it look like there are more of them
so right now I will be focusing what I'm good at and just keep adding characters..
until I feel there is enough
and the maps themselves will be kept simple (not going beyond the first games quality)
as far as the NPCs concerned there is enough of them now
there are about 15 unique ones
which is quite a high number from the previous games 0 🤔
there are two more planned
but they are optional to the story
and as far as the enemies go things are getting out of hand 🤔