Copy-pasting the contents of the first few posts in the thread by Eb for you:
People stress me out with how much they misunderstand "alt text is contextual".
It doesn't mean you put the context of the image in the alt text. It doesn't mean you skimp on the alt text, either.
It means the alt text is going to change depending on where and why you post the image.
"Alt text is contextual" means if I post a photo of my dog with a toy on a thread or forum about digital photo editing, my alt text is going to very briefly skim over the details of my dog and the toy and I'm going to describe other qualities of the image, like background blur, sharpness, tint, etc.
If I post that same image of my dog and a toy on a review of the toy, the alt text will be primarily about the toy as it appears in the image.
If I post that image on a "show your dog's coat pattern" forum or thread, the alt text will focus on describing my dog's coat pattern in the image.
If I were to post that photo here as a "look at my adorable dog; she will lift your mood" thing, then I want to describe what it is about my dog in that image that is so adorable and mood-lifting. Is it her facial expression? Her posture? Her giant ears?
This is what "alt text is contextual" means.
If you are posting a screenshot of the game, for the alt text you would describe what is pictured in the screenshot, but how you describe it depends on why you have chosen that screenshot. For example, let's say there's a screenshot of the villain and the hero swordfighting. Did you post that screenshot to introduce the characters, to demonstrate a core gameplay mechanic, or to illustrate the art style of the game? The same picture would be described differently depending on the purpose of the screenshot.
Also (and I hate that I have to say this) using alt text has benefits beyond the inclusion of disabled people: if, for example, the images aren't loading, they can check the alt text and know what the images are supposed to be. If instead they just see the word "screenshot", they might write you off instead