Rather unchallenging, what with the controls overkitting and the extremely simple enemies.
By overkit I mean that I think the player has too many abilities, being given the ability to trivialize the sole stage of the game.
It would have been fine without the bullet time key, and the gohei having a (very!) damaging hitbox.
Either nerf the player, or make a stage that does "justify" these powerful abilities.
That said, the concept is really cool! The gameplay reminded me a lot of the Touhou fangame Azure Reflections (yeah that's the name I'm not kidding you) where you can turn around too and have an ability to melee through bullets.
Game looks mighty fine for a 3-day project. Props to the background artist, it's a magnificent dusk sky.
I just wish I knew why we're fighting ducks (quack), and what the story means... IS THAT AN EUROPEAN MEDIEVAL CASTLE??