tbh i agree with SpeedyVroom. Strategy is just spitting out maps left right and centre, yeah the short maps are good and short but it's just posting for the sake of posting. They're not maps. they're usually just 2-5 turns. It also doesn't help that Strategy is a dick too, like saying "Womp womp" if you beat someones record, or saying "2 ez" to someones map, it adds no value and ruins community, why? there's no need to put someone down if you beat their time, it just makes you seem egotistical as if you're the best polytrack player ever. your maps are actually kinda shit, anyone can make a short 10 second map and make it seem interesting by placing colourful blocks and other random crap. SpeedyVroom actually takes the time and effort to think of a very decent route to a map, and backs it up with incredible scenery and obstacles. They're some of the highest quality maps for such a simple game. If i wanted to i could spend 1 hour pumping out 500 maps that consist of only 15 blocks total, and if all your maps are like this then wtf do you consider and "A Class map", why don't i get an "A class" map prize then for a simple 8 block basically press forward map.