How about some sort of weather? Rain/Snow for example. Without a roof u aint able to cook while its raining.
Wind Maybe?
Lightning (coulda set ur Raft on fire).
A sail maybe?
Scrap droprate should be lowered.
U shoulda get 5 planks out of a Palm.
Scrap could be used to reinforce Bottom Floor, so that they can survive 3 Sharkattacks (the borders of the Bottom Floor could be steel-plated).
A Water-Barrel (craftable) to collect Water, where u can drink directly (with E) so i dont have to carry 30 Water around if i wanna play for 1 Hour.
Multiplayer support.
Inventory size should be improved (adding a craftable Backpack to the game to get 1 more row in the inventory?)
Electronic Scrap from Barrels to craft a Radio?
Pointing Lights to light up the sea from upper floors (dont now the english word for it Spotlights?)
Add clothing scrap
A craftable Bed.(Planks + Nails + clothing scrap)
Keep up the good work,