Your reviews do not need to be so long that you need to draft them. Maybe that is why this is not fixed yet, too few people complained. Your review will only be seen by the developer. And maybe your followers and for 5 minutes in the global feed.
Why can't you paste text into a review?
Because that box is buggy and they never fixed it. Probably.
All a paste will do, is to enter " & ZeroWidthSpace ; " with quotes, no spaces.
There is a caught error exception in lib.min.js when pasting and then a type error.
SyntaxError: Failed to execute 'querySelectorAll' on 'Document': '.modal-body:visible' is not a valid selector. at [as find] (<a href=""></a> at S.find (<a href=""></a> at S.init (<a href=""></a> at S (<a href=""></a> at init.appendPasteBox (<a href=""></a> at init.createPasteBox (<a href=""></a> at init (<a href=""></a> at HTMLDivElement.i (<a href=""></a> at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (<a href=""></a> at S.event.add.v.handle (<a href=" TypeError:"> TypeError:</a> Failed to execute 'selectNodeContents' on 'Range': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'. at init.end (<a href=""></a> at init.html (<a href=""></a> at init.insert (<a href=""></a> at init.<anonymous> (<a href=""></a> at i (<a href=""></a> </anonymous>