since it looks like some people are struggling with the true ending here is kind of a skeleton on what to do also if you ever have a question just look like a month back and it will probably be answered
If you want to get the true ending then it will be a little harder because you have to get paranormal to 350 first you have to get coding to 1000 and then missing persons to 1000 after you have found the USB in the VIP room (just 350 so you can see Lexy and get the ward from the shop) but right after that you need to max out both coding and missing persons Before night 13 because you will need to break in on night 13 to get the true ending (i recommend doing coding fully first so you can decrypt the USB you find in the VIP room on night 10 I think and then missing persons so you can stop Marie from killing you and free her when your talking to upgraded Freeni on night 13)