TL;DR: "It's pretty good!"
- Truly amazing audio design, crisp audio lead to an over all better enjoyment of the game as it made actions feel more impactful
- weapons feel punchy and powerful, This is a great feeling, though it does lead to one thinking a weaker weapon is more powerful then it is
- screen shake in game adds a lot to the impact of the weapons, and the chaotic nature of the game, making the intensity and suspense feeling more apparent
- controls feel crisp, never did i feel like i should have been able to move somewhere and was arbitrarily not allowed
- recoil was surprising, usually in top down shoots its implemented in a slightly different way, usually an aim cone, but i noticed i had reproducible recoil if i shot in the same speed rate, leading to a higher level of play for long term players, this is far better implementation then games where they simply increase your inaccuracy based on the shots fired.
- solid sandbox of weapons and power ups, everything you would expect is here, and a more. nothing i've seen has felt out of place or unneeded. everything in the sandbox fills out the game's mechanics quite well. Some AAA games struggle with this concept, its nice to see an indie game succeed with it.
- faithful 2d adaptation of of a classic game, all the way down to specialized rounds.
- it's a pay what you want! how could you go wrong with that.
- tabbing out of the game doesnt auto pause,
- 15+ seconds between starting the game and having any control of your character, maybe allow control of the player in this cut scene or shorten the time
- some menu buttons are uninformative, a tool tip would be a nice touch.
- overly shaky text in menu screen makes it hard to read on large screens
- no visual or audio feedback for actively repairing windows, leads to new players thinking it's just a press f, instead of hold f, leading to nothing happening
- east/west facing doors are a little hard to see, took me several minutes to realize they exist, and could definitely see a player thinking they are stuck because they dont see it, could likely be rectified is the doorway was just inlet a little into the wall, (the carpet helps a bit but easy to over look it in combat)
- by round eight it was already taking roughly 6 clips from the makarov to down a single zombie, though power scaling makes sense this also lead to the double barrel being nearly unneeded by the time i got it (round 6).
Ultimately think the game is really solid, though its feedback could use a little polish as it's only in alpha 0.4.3 at the time of writing, it's a really solid foundation for expansion. There are no cons which are impactful enough not for a recommendation. Try it!