I was immediately drawn to this game, even before reading the description. The inspiration behind it was clear, and I was excited to dive in! The atmosphere is spot-on, and the unique maneuver mechanic adds a fresh twist to the gameplay.
I do have a few criticisms. The amount of ammo required to kill the creatures was a bit frustrating. It felt like there was a bug where some monsters wouldn’t take damage when they were very close to the player. Adding some visual feedback or sound when a hit registers could help alleviate this issue. While creatures were pushed back when hit, this didn’t seem to happen consistently when they were very close to the player.
The movement buttons also caused a few misclicks since they overlap with interactable items like ammo and notes. I’m not sure if this was intentional, but it felt odd to prioritize notes over the movement buttons. Additionally, if the player was near a wall, the buttons wouldn’t be drawn on top of it, though they could still be pressed even if not visible.
I did find myself accidentally pressing the escape key to dismiss notes, which unfortunately brought me back to the main menu, forcing me to restart from the last checkpoint. This was a bit frustrating, but I managed to conquer this self-inflicted challenge. It would have been preferable if the game didn’t return to the main menu and simply paused the game.
I genuinely enjoyed this, and I hope you keep at it. Great job!
P.S. I also noticed you mentioned the volume slider. If you’re looking for a solution to implement volume sliders that behave as expected, you might find this helpful: linear_to_db.