I wanna buy the full game but 5 dollars is like 292 pesos😭 (still expensive for me)
Still want the game?
I can gift it to your email.
I'm here if he doesn't want it lol
Give me your email. I'm only gifting two copies.
extrathicc86@gmail.com I run Mac btw ❤️ thanks
Let me know if you got it.
you're a mad lad man, much appreciated
have a good night
Enjoy the game
Do you still happen to have one more by any chance?
Give me your email
I got you
Hi, do you have any more copies of the android game? Kostanazarov569@gmail.com
I'll be giving away more next week.
Sorry. I'll save you a copy.
if you dont mind, i would appreciate a copy as well if you get enough.email is luckyynsfw@gmail.com
Hey,can I also please get a copy of this game on android?Thanks. artismadernieks1@gmail.com
Send the game for android :3