SO there is a virgin route with logan where you basically have to have 0 sexual experience in the 3 stats which results in small changes in daialog with logan on certain scenes. The question is does this that you forever cant unlock/continue relationships with other characters because wolfs den to save caleb you need 3 hearts with berend but if you have the virgin route with logan it basically locks you out from that
So is there a way to get 3 hearts with berend to find caleb or is the only way to keep the logan virgin route is by never completeing the event wolfs den
Apparently there is a way to bypass the 3rd heart event. I did it by following the wiki but just go to bernard at night. do all the things till he says that he can control himself and asks if you're ready or want to leave. leave and then come back the next day and the caleb talk option should be there
You can leave during Bernard's 3 heart event, take the "Bernard likes you less" and then come back to ask about Caleb which lets you complete Wolf's den. I know the new axe throwing event also has some content if you got Logan's third heart as a virgin and haven't had sex with anyone since that point.