Okay, here's my feedback Caterpillar:
- The art is decent, especially the jump animation is pretty funny.
- The checkpoints are great, they work and there are plenty of them. Though, I think one of them was floating high up in the air in one of the first level.
- The enemies and attacks are not explained at all. You could use level design to explain the jump attack on the blue enemies and the shoot attack on the bee's.
- The butterfly endpoint doesn't look inviting. I shoot at it everytime, thinking that it is an enemy.
- After quite a few levels I think the game was finished, because it just stayed on the level completed screen. However, you should probably make it more clear when the game is finished.
- The level completed screen takes way too long, should really be one second max.
- The music gets annoying quite quickly.
- The level select button doesn't work.