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Managed to get all the leaves, and I think 4 out of 6 golden leaves.

Gameplay wise, it's a classic platformer, decently executed. Perhaps a few quirks here and there for ground detection, but it's fine. The 'intentional bugs' were most of the time pretty clever ;).

A small negative point for me would be the music. It kinda drilled my ears after trying to collect all the golden leaves.

I appreciate the honest feedback. Thank you. :) I am also proud of you for getting 4 out of 6. I think you got the most so far, lol. 

Yeah, got a lot of comments about the ground detection being annoying. I am actually extremely happy that people are that honest about their feedback and actually give constructive criticism. Can only learn from that and gonna improve my games in the future. Thanks for the compliment, hihi.

Oh man, I am sorry to hear that. Still have to learn a lot about the basics of what makes good music because obviously my subjective view is kinda trashy. :P Thanks for taking the time to comment. :D Will check out your game now.