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Sincerely, breeding season was a nice but the development had practically come to a halt before the artist did what he did.

basically the leader had no idea how to run a project and could not take criticism well, the artist got annoyed at his behaviour and bailed causing as much damage he could on the way out.

None was in the right, so pinning the entire shit storm on the artist is not really fair.

From what i remember the artist (SPurple) had bailed another game in the past i dont remember the name of the game sadly this could also be false so take it with a grain of salt. Second Cloud meadow isnt really progressing either last time i checked nothing had changed , i consider cloud meadow as a money grab and i find its concept inferior and far less original then Breeding Season's concept or Breeding Farm's ,either way i am enjoying Breeding Farm and i look forward to see it develop.