Got it working! :) I made a class called PaperDollAddressable. It works just like PaperDoll except you pass in a string name of the addressable you want to use instead of a resource texture. You'll be able to include it in your product without breaking the old PaperDoll and devs can just pick which one they want to use based on their usecase. I'll clean it up and email it over.
Regarding what I meant before about the Resource folder, when you try to convert a Resource texture to an addressable it will demand that you duplicate the folder as Resource_moved because Addressables cannot be in the Resource.
And, regarding my usecase I am trying to use FishNet + Edgegap for hosting, and their containers are 1 hour limit and 250MB memory constrained for evaluation and 2GB limited for pro. I hit the 250MB memory limit of the container very quickly because I own all the Mana Seed packs and had them in the Resources. And, when you build, Unity marks Resources as required and forces them into the dedicated server builds. I kept adding content and testing my network code which was working great up until I added too much content and the dedicated server stopped working because of the constraint. So, I want to move over to addressables to solve it.