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I'm going to talk about your game in regard to the rating criteria for a more in depth review of your game.

Fun - The game is fun though after a little bit the game loop can feel repetitive. However with this game I feel like the little things help make it a better experience overall, like the troll on the start screen. As soon as that happened to me I knew that I liked your game. It has charm. 4/5

Simplicity - The game is as bare bones mechanics wise as a top down shooter can be and it works well. There is enemy variation which works well though I am not sure if the enemies vary more than just visuals.  4/5

Visuals - The visuals aren't the best though they aren't awful either. However they are consistent which is very important for immersion.  2/5

Sound - The sounds are decent, though they quickly become jarring after hearing them so often right after one another. 3/5

Creativity - The game isn't the most creative and follows the structure of a top down shooter closely, however it does this well and I will give the developer credit for that. 3/5

Topic - With the sprites of the game being the only real bug of the game loop itself I would have given this 3/5 for being there and being obvious but not quite going any further than the bare minimum. But the title screen and it's little gag sold me on the fact that this game IS bugged. It was so enjoyable of a bug that I'm giving this 5/5.

WOWIE - My overall score is just going to be an average of the stuff above so 3/5.

The game is fun and I did enjoy it. I would like to add that with such a slow firing gun crowd control was very important and the lake on the map became a very close friend of mine.

Keep up the good work!