Alright EP6 is here too
- Jet wasn't used to being blind, all though he insisted to stay at home, alone it was hard for him to do much at all -
- Since he couldn't see he kept running into things, but he kept saying, "I know my way around the house I'll be fine" -
- His friend, Penny came over -
Jet: Hey Penny - He opens the door, inviting her in -
- She came along with her dog, Sunny -
Jet: Jet sat down, and as soon as he did, Sunny jumped in his lap, licking his face -
Jet: Ah! - He didn't expect that -
Penny: She noticed he couldn't see but didn't say anything -
- Sunny laid down in his lap, and Jet started to pet Sunny -
(- Funny, bonus lol-)
- Suddenly, the mail man came up to the door with a big heavy box -
- Penny goes to the door to answer it -
Mail Man: Package for… - He looked at the box, squinting - Jet
Penny: Jet did you order a package? - She took it inside, surprised at how heavy it was -
Jet: No, I didn't…
- Suddenly, a random girl popped out of the package -
Anna: Hi Jet - she said, with a weird smile on her face, of course Jet couldn't see that -
Penny: She didn't say anything, she was rather confused -
Anna: Do YoU wAnNa Be My BoYfRiEnD?
Jet: Uh- He didn't know how to answer that -
Penny: Are you delusional? He would never want to do that
Anna: - She went straight over to Jet -
Jet: Look Anna I-
Anna: She tries to kiss Jet, taking advantage of his blindness -
Penny: She take Anna throwing her out of the house - AND StAy OUT!
Anna: AHHhhhhh….!
Jet: - He blinks - What in the world…
- The next day -
- Autumn came over, but she didn't know at the time that Jet couldn't see. Jet didn't want to tell her -
Autumn: Knocks on the door -
Jet: He bumped into things while coming to the door - Opens it - Yeah? Oh hey Autumn
Autumn: She became a little suspicious - You alright?
Jet: He scratches the back of his head - Yeah, I'm fine…
- Autumn didn't believe that - Jet, if anything's bothering you, you can tell me okay?
Jet: Autumn, there's… There's something I have to tell you
Autumn: Yes Jet?
Jet: I'm… Blind
Autumn: Why didn't you tell me before?
Jet: Because I didn't want you to think I was… Weak or something
Autumn: Jet, I would never think anything like that, I don't care if your blind
Jet: You… You don't?
Autumn: She shook her head - No I don't
Jet: - A smile came across his face - He hugs her -