I just saw this comment, thanks for your feedback! I added a character attribute for "appearance", so that could be helpful for labeling the gender. You could even try putting the gender in the "species" attribute, like "human female", since the AI is pretty flexible in it's understanding. You're right that the stories are pretty short at 5 turns, so my next priority is to allow for 10 turn games as well. Creating a custom genre and game world is on my list of core goals I'd like to complete before releasing the game, so hopefully that will be added before too long. I just started a Kickstarter campaign where I describe my goals for the app, in case you're interested in learning more about it: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/brettdev/infinite-adventure-simulator . Let me know if you have any other ideas of feedback! Here is the Discord channel: https://discord.com/invite/QekvSrEjU3 . Thanks again for taking an early look at the app!