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You have to find another quest that utilizes the reward from the Goblin Fortress, found in E'falon Inn, when you finish the Goblin Fortress you have to go to a Tree near the City of Light and you can open it with the reward and then obtain the Forever Flame. I am gonna push up to this part in the game again and make sure it is doable because I have beaten the game a few times and never had an issue with the Goblin Fortress.

Wow I didn't expect to go back to another place! Let me try and thanks again!!!!

No problem! Once again you need to obtain the quest from the E'falon Inn, and you basically need the "Seed of the Fairy's Eye" and it should grant access to this Tree near the City of Light if you get stuck please feel free to ask more questions! I tried to make the game as oldschool as possible and not give too many hints on things!


many many thanks! I reached the end without no problem (although beating the last boss was very easy with "bound for life" by Aelendor). I'm stuck on another point: I cannot take the endless rope because the guy on Aquaria is an asshole! (I'm joking but that's the point :) ) anyway that is the only point in which I tried to go everywhere but I don't know how to convince it

(1 edit)

Okay I have a question, The last boss in the Goblin Fort? Also yeah that is a really good point about "Bound for Life" I am probably going to try to see if there's a way to nullify it if the enemy is a boss.

 For the Endless Rope you must obtain an item from the Ocean Dungeon that will allow you to become friends with the Oceania people!

The problem is that I was never able to enter the ocean dungeon....I got the message in front of the door "this is the enter of the dungeon" but I cannot enter! Did I miss something?

I don't recall there being any restrictions on the Oceanic Dungeon except getting past the Whirlpools/the Crystal Ball but I will look and get back to you immediately

Ah I see what you mean, it seems to be the entrance of the Dungeon ;) But there is a hidden door right next to it in the Vines


I can't believe it! How is it possible that I never found it????? I finished most of the impossible riddles on impossible games and I lost myself in something so easy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks again!!!!!!

Hi again!

Damn! I've tried everything on the Blight Lands and I finished every quest on those lands (BEATING SELDARINE AS WELL...) so..... why I cannot obtain the Air Baloon on Cryptopia? I came back to the city but nothing happens! Did I miss something AGAIN??????

Hello! You beat Seldarine without the Air Balloon? I would like to know how you achieved this! Also The Hot Air Balloon is obtained by completing The Blighted Grounds and defeating the Blight Queen, as well as helping the Innkeeper in the Pale Fort at the Rust Bucket Inn, he gives you a key to the storehouse which is locked otherwise and you bring the materials from the Blight Queen and the storehouse to the man inside Cryptopia and he should build the Hot Air Balloon Transportation for you to access the final extra area.

I did test that Blight Queen fight and theres actually a error where the Blight Queen's battle picture literally does not go away after the fight so I will need to put out a hotfix for this and maybe add a keybind that can delete all pop ups like that in the future if theres anyone that has it stuck on the screen.


Anyway let me tell you that apart from some minor bugs (like walking over walls in the last part of the game) is really awesome

Thank you so much I truly appreciate it more than you know!