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(1 edit)

I love the game and the story looks like it will be very good, so I'm looking forward to the next update! And I would like to know about the current CGs, bc I can't unlock them all... Can you describe each one to me? like ... Andrew 1st CG: Gary and Andrew - Blowjob... something like that? pretty please?

As some of the guys below said, this is pretty impressive that you are doing everything on your own, so congrats... 

And if you want some help I would be very happy to help you... I use photoshop to my designs and I also draw.... and it may seem very hasty or stupid, but I'm brazilian and I speak english, but i would love to see a version of the game in my main language. Anyway if you want to contact me feel free do to it... my email: 

Have a good day!

Sorry for the late reply :'D. Things have been super busy at work.. I'm SO happy that you enjoyed the demo though! Makes me want to work even harder on the next update ;D. 

As for the CGs, there's really not a lot in the game at this point. the next update is going to more than double that number, so if it's okay with you, I'd write the list of the CGs once the next update is finished :).

And thank you for offering your help! I would definitely love to translate the game once it's finished, and it would be a huge help to have a native speaker help me with that :)! I will send you an email and we can talk more through there ;).

Thank you again!