This is looking much healthier! My plant is growing again.
I've enlisted a friend to help me push along in this section. The vast majority of this is just outline at the moment, without prose; I'm thinking simply about how I want the encounter to be shaped, how I want the gameplay experience to unfold. This is divided into two sections (it looks like three), the left being Jessica approaching from a balcony accessed through a secret passage and the right being wandering straight into the enemy camp from some stairs. The balcony approach has more numbers going on--very simple ones, but they're there--and is only half done! (I'm trying to think of ways I can streamline the remaining work, to be honest.) The right section, with the stairs, leans into a more adventure game-y "this choice leads to a game over, this one doesn't" approach. I intended for the stair approach to be more difficult, and so used more instant deaths.
Can these two approaches coexist? I'll want a lot of feedback on this section.
I suspect I can get the rest of this section outlined, finally, in the next couple of days and then start the prose next week. Then I want to write another ship section, then I want to pack things up and look at making a small alpha. Exciting!