once again I forgot about this devlog
the good news is because I work so much on the game it makes me exhausted
the bad news is of course the game is far from ready
I was hoping to have a demo this year
but it looks I won't make it 😔
still plenty was done - here are some highlights:
added some new textures - the trains are still bad looking but not that bad

in the first game many maps were built around little gags - here is one of the new ones
modelled some everyday objects like a fridge
these are more like little feelies that make the world more believable
as the game takes place in the desert it seemed appropriate to make a parody of vegas
of course it's an scifi game and in the future you can do even crazier things with neons
I somehow improved in modelling skills - this toilet is a clear step up from the ones in the first game
but when it comes to furniture I'm still hopeless 😔