So first the notes I took while playing through:
- Firefox does not seem to like this game much. Not really the developers fault, but keep in mind players will try to resize the game window.
- Arrow keys, no WASD, no key rebinding.
- It seems dying sends to to a menu with only the option to quit. Not great?
- Exiting out of the keypad (update, also going back through doors) seems to respawn health and shards. Ended the game with 10 out of the supposed 5 as a result...
- There's no damage feedback and the health bar is tiny. I didn't actually realise I *had* health until I saw the first floating heart.
- Speaking of, the health bar is actually attached to the level, but only in the first level.
- The last level seems to spawn you at the exit rather than the entrance?
Besides those, its a pretty good first game! I'm sure with this learning experience in your bag, whatever you'll come up with next is going to be that much better :]