i just finished the game and made an account to make a comment. i first played and got quest's good ending, i fell inlove with him instantly and i thought he would be my favorite until i played xyx and i realized xyx is the loml (exaggerated ik but fr) i love him so much. and then after xyx, i played nightowl, and i didn't like him at all lol i fell for onion on nightowl's route and nightowl is the only route i got the bad ending - i didn't really regret it but i came back and did his good end just for the sake of the true route and so i did it! i like toasty but now im playing again just for xyx route (as i've said, he is the loml).
i like everything about the game (maybe nightowl annoyed me in his own route but outside his route, he is likable). i like all the characters, even the nonLIs characters! my favorite nonLI is onion, sal and lady, they are the cutest. i like the osts, my favorite is the I'll DM U loveeee itttttt. I love the story and everything oh my gosh. I LOVE XYX WHY IS HE NOT REAL!!!!?????? ..... oh my god who was that (lol) I love this game!! I wish the game is soooo much longer (just so i could have more xyx content teehee~)