Meet Mx. Emery Darlee, the Detective of the Park :3 (She/They)!!
This picture is a few months old, and I changed her a wee bit to add layers in her personality. Emery's entire life has been dedicated to solving mysteries because they couldn't even solve their own greatest case; their missing father. Emery is aware that said father was never in the picture, but all their favourite detectives always talk about how much their fathers helped them, are famous, etc.. so Emery starts to pretend her father is a famous detective and is too busy solving the greatest cases to be there for them.. yikes ToT She is also a bit more of a jumpy person since I think its funny for such a mystery solver to become so easily defeated.
For Step 2, meet Emery "Em" Darlee, but exclusively goes by Em! (They/Fae/She)

That earlier scaredy cat nature mixed with the shyness created an intense feeling that is called anxiety, this ex-detectives the greatest feat yet! Em has an online blog dedicated to writing stories (mostly fanfic) and is actually well-known within said communities. (I have yet to do her character art.. pray for me, brothers 🙏) Those earlier issues with her dad caused insecurity with her self-worth, that delusional idea of her dad being out of the picture was because of her. Still, whenever she tries to talk to Opal/Mum about it, it is unproductive since Opal sees her child as more as a teammate then a child at times.. Oh well, at least fae has faer's neighbours!!1!! (who dislikes each other...)
She is on the Qiu BFFs + Crush route and is friends with Tamarack, with some issues since both become very nervous around each other.
I never realized how active these comments were AAAA, so I want to join the fun and share my MC ^^
AND THATS EM!! Ty for reading/listening, and I hope we all will feast soon. 🙏